It only gives you 30 seconds it is dumb
It only gives you 30 seconds it is dumb
This is the funniest app ever I love it so much!!!
I wish there was a way to do that on a movie
This made me laugh so hard when I added the mouth and spoke! It looked so funny. It can be a little bit glitchy on the iPhones, though.
THIS GAME IS SO AWESOME. If you want something funny to post on YouTube this is the perfect app to use. If you didnt pay for it you can still use the fruits and all that kind of stuff. If you didnt pay you can make fruit that talk, but to get Annoying orange you have to pay. Thats a real bummer.
Cool funny
I have to try this mainly beacuse LDshadowlady played it and it looooooookkkkksss aweeeeeessssoooommmmeeee!
Shut up @hollyjolly0412
Mermaid386 I saw that also!☹
I got this because of her!
I love this app but Im super annoyed because I bought the app and cant even hear the music play when I want to add music to someones face.
Dude I used to like but I deleted this cause there is a slight seeing of a man in thee eye. Juliagscoot or something we need to spread the word!!!!!!!!!! This game could be dangerous because of this and maybe a person watching you?..
Nobody by this app! I took the picture and I saw a man sitting in a desk stocking people! Why would people do this?
Mermaids 365 and Hannah banana are right I saw a slight movement behind the screen and it was castes like a shadow call me insane but it didnt look like part of the app it looked a little bit like a camera!
It looked better in the reviews. It is really not that good of an app. It only gives you 3 options of different faces. So I would not get if I were you.
when I got this game I noticed a person in the eyeball of all the face choices. Im thinking that its a camera of some sort. I would recommend not get this game. Unless you want to be WATCHED!
Do not get this app today I noticed a person in a blue sweatshirt and a window and that person was holding a camera it was funny movies but these comments could save your life
The tough guy pic I took a video and said Im a tough guy Im a tough guy rarr! And reapeted it hahaha
This game is awful. In one of the pictures in the eyeball there is a creepy man at his desk watching you! It seems to be a camera of some sort
If you use their templates it will save your video. If you upload your own image it will not save your recording. :-(